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DOT Compliance

Department of Transportation regulation (49CFR Part 40)  requires a DOT Urine and DOT Alcohol test in the following scenarios:

Pre-Employment Testing: Urine Test Required, Alcohol Test Optional

Post Accident Testing: Urine Test Required, Alcohol Test Required

Reasonable Suspicion Testing: Urine Test Required, Alcohol Test Required

Follow-Up Testing: Urine Test Required, Alcohol Test at Discretion of SAP

Return-to-Duty Testing: Urine Test Required, Alcohol Test at Discretion of SAP

DOT testing is for five drugs of abuse: Marijuana | Cocaine | Amphetamines | Opioids | Phencyclidine (PCP)

Since January 1st, 2018, FMCSA requires confirmation testing for 14 drugs under the 5‑panel test. The additional drugs are:

Amphetamines: Amphetamine | Methamphetamine | MDMA | MDA

Opioids: Codeine | Morphine | 6-AM (heroin) | Hydrocodone | Hydromorphone | Oxycodone | Oxymorphone

The United States Congress recognized the need for a drug and alcohol free transportation industry, and in 1991 passed the Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act, requiring DOT agencies to implement drug and alcohol testing of safety-sensitive transportation employees. 49 CFR Part 40 (Part 40) is a DOT-wide regulation that states how to conduct testing and how to return employees to safety-sensitive duties after they violate a DOT drug and alcohol regulation. Part 40 applies to all DOT-required testing, regardless of mode of transportation.

There are several agencies which are regulated by the Department of Transportation. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) Regulation 49CFR Part 382, Pipeline & Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) Regulation 49CFR Part 199, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Regulation 14 CFR Part 120, and Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) Regulation 49CFR Part 219.

DOT Agency Random Drug Testing Rate Random Alcohol Testing Rate
Federal Aviation Admin (FAA) 25% 10%
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Admin (FMCSA) 25% 10%
Federal Railroad Admin (FRA) 25% 10%
    FRA Maintenance of Way 50% 25%
Federal Transit Admin (FTA) 50% 10%
Pipeline & Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) 50% N/A
United States Coast Guard (USCG) 50% N/A