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Instant Drug Testing

Instant Drug Testing

“Instant” drug testing utilizes a urine sample to screen for multiple substances. The results are returned in three to five minutes and have a high degree of accuracy. Any test which screens “non-negative” is forwarded to the laboratory for confirmation of the presence of a drug.

Trinity Drug Testing, LLC provides several options for “instant” drug testing which screen for the following substances:

5 Panel : Amphetamine, Cocaine, Marijuana(THC), Methamphetamine, Opiates

7 Panel: Amphetamine, Cocaine, Marijuana(THC), Methamphetamine,  Phencyclidine, Propoxyphene, MDMA (Ecstasy)

10 Panel: Amphetamine, Cocaine, Marijuana(THC), Methamphetamine, Opiates, Phencyclidine,  Barbituate, Benzodiazepine, Methadone, Propoxyphene

12 Panel: Amphetamine, Cocaine, Marijuana(THC), Methamphetamine, Opiates, Phencyclidine,  Barbituate, Benzodiazepine, Methadone, Propoxyphene, Extended Opiates, MDMA(Ecstasy)

Instant Drug Testing Chart