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phone(432) 685-9150

Available 24/7

Personal Testing – Confidential

Confidential, personal tests are available at Trinity Drug Testing, LLC. You can opt for a laboratory based test or an instant test.

Laboratory based test results are normally back within 24 to 48 hours.

Instant testing is available in 5, 7, 10 and 12 panels, starting at $30.

Teenager Testing — Cheap Peace of Mind

Confidential testing is available in our office for parents who are concerned about the prevalance of drug use among middle school and high school children. Any donor under the age of 18 must have a parent or guardian present for their test.

We recommend the use of  Instant Tests which will return results while you wait. You have the choice of a 5 panel, 7 panel, 10 panel or 12 panel test. These are very affordable at $30 to $35.

We recommend that any non-negative test be sent to the laboratory for confirmation to eliminate the possibility of interference  by prescription medications. There is an additional charge for laboratory confirmation and Medical Officer Review.